Our Advisors

Margaret Gaulker, Advisor


Born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa, Maggie graduated from East High School and then attended Northwest Missouri State College (now University) in Maryville, MO, where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Vocational Home Economics. She taught school in Vona, CO and then held various other jobs until she joined the Marine Corps in January 1976. After boot camp in Parris Island and Baker’s School at Camp LeJeune, Maggie was stationed at Camp Smith until January 1979.


Maggie started her civil service career as a Clerk-Typist at Naval Magazine Lualualei in 1979. She worked at ARD Pearl Harbor, Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, PWC Pearl Harbor, G-1 Camp Smith, IRS Milwaukee WI, FICPAC/JICPAC Pearl Harbor (9 years), NIOC Hawaii (also 9 years), and as MCB Hawaii Protocol Officer (7-1/2 years. She retired from federal civil service in January 2015 with over 36 years.


Maggie is a lifetime member of Aloha Detachment #363 of the Marine Corps League, where she served as Commandant and helps extensively with the Scholarship Program. She is a Diamond Lifetime member of Federally Employed Women where she served as National Secretary from 2000-2002. In addition, she has served in various FEW Chapter and Regional positions including Region Manager, attending as many Region Training Program as possible.


She has served as a volunteer at many of the FEW NTP’s and has served on many NTP committees.


Maggie joined the FEW Foundation in July 2016 and took over as the Foundation secretary in April 2017 to August 2024. She has helped with the NTP FEW Foundation Booth and Silent Auction since joining the Foundation. Maggie supports both the UH Women and Men Volleyball Teams and is a staunch Kansas City Royal fan.


In her spare time, Maggie likes to read and bake. Maggie is married to John Gaukler (USMC Ret). They have 1 daughter, Mary Gaines, who is a Major in the United States Air Force and stationed at Mountain Home, ID. Maggie lives in Hawaii.

Wanda Hewlin, Advisor


Wanda L. Hewlin served as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager 2014-2018 for the Federally Employed Women (FEW) and she is a Diamond Life member. She has been a member of Federally Employed Women for 16 years. Wanda is Founder of the Tidewater Chapter that was established in 2007 and chartered in 2008. She served as Secretary from 2007-2009 and Chapter President from 2009-2014. Presently she serves as Treasurer of the Tidewater Chapter and the Mid-Atlantic Region and also past Regional Manager. She was employed at Supervisor of Shipbuilding Conversion and Repair, USN in Newport News, Virginia for 35 years and retired with 37 years of service. Wanda served as a Federal Women’s Program (FWP) Coordinator 2007-2008, and EEO Task Force Co-Chair 2008-2010. She retired from her position as a Management Analyst in the Administration Department of the organization.


Wanda is currently a Notary Public and has been in business for 14 years.

Carolyn Kroon, Advisor


Carolyn Kroon started her career as a Clerk-Typist in 1973 with NOAA at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle, WA. She was promoted to Administrative Support Clerk before moving to Richland, WA and taking the position of Senior Probation Clerk for the US Federal Probation Office. Carolyn took a 3-year break in service and managed her family’s restaurant, Knead and Feed, located in Coupeville, WA. Carolyn returned to federal service in 1979 at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory and held the positions of Fiscal Clerk and Administrative Officer and then transferred to the Western Regional Office of NOAA as a Finance Specialist.


During this time Carolyn joined Federally Employed Women (FEW) and held the offices of Vice President and President of the Cascade Chapter, Regional Manager of the Pacific Northwest Region, and National Vice President for Chapter Organization.


Carolyn transferred to the NOAA Office of Administration Finance Services Division in Washington, DC in 1990. She held the positions of Financial Management Specialist, and Chief of the NOAA Payment System Section. Carolyn was selected as National Diversity Program Manager working for the NOAA Deputy Under Secretary. During this time Carolyn held the FEW offices of National Executive Vice President and National President.


As President of FEW Carolyn worked to strengthen FEW’s focus on cultural awareness. As a result of her efforts, a National Bylaws Amendment elevated the Cultural Awareness Chair to a voting position on the National Board of Directors. She signed agreements with IMAGE and Blacks in Government and served on OPM’s Hispanic Employment Advisory Group and their Interagency Glass Ceiling Committee, both studying problems women and minorities have in advancing in their careers. Carolyn testified before congressional committees and met with leaders of government agencies to discuss the status of women and minorities. During Carolyn’s tenure, FEW added women’s health to its National Agenda.


Carolyn transferred to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and moved to Burlington, VT in 1996 where she was employed as a Management and Program Analyst. Carolyn transferred back to the INS Headquarters office in Washington, DC in 2001 where she was employed as a Management and Program Analyst. INS was made part of the new Department of National Security in 2003. Carolyn finished her career in the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of Fraud Detection and National Security.


In retirement Carolyn has served as an Advisor to the FEW Foundation for Education and Training.


Carolyn received a BA from Seattle Pacific University in 1973 and a Master of Public Administration from Seattle University in 1986. Carolyn participated in the 39th annual National Security Seminar held at the US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA in 1993. Carolyn was awarded the Public Employees Roundtable Board of Directors Award for Outstanding Achievement in 1993. She graduated from the USDA Graduate School Executive Potential Program in 1998.


After retirement in Washington, DC, Carolyn returned to the Pacific Northwest and lived in Coupeville, WA on Whidbey Island for 15 years.  She currently resides in Spring, TX. 

Linda Patrick, Advisor


A member of FEW since 2002, she retired in 2017. She has served all positions in her Chapter. A proud member of National’s award winning, Maryland Tri-County Chapter. She volunteered & served the NTP committee for 15+ years, working the registration desk which she calls FEW’s front line for customer service. She’s held severed positions on the National Board; Credentials chair, Scholarships chair & Outreach Special Assistant, Women’s Health. Linda speared headed FEW’s 1st NTP Health Fair, NTP 2011, Philadelphia. Dr. Allie Latimer, FEW’s founder & 1st president, joined her team for a Health Fair walk to the Liberty Bell & back to the hotel. Linda served on Baltimore’s Federal Executive Board, assisting with hosting training programs for over 500 attendees for Women’s History Month for 5 years. She served on Team Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Executive Committee, Special Emphasis Programs, chairing 125 Special Emphasis Programs annually (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Black History, Women’s History, Asian Pacific Islanders, Women’s Equality Day, Hispanic Heritage, Native American, & Persons with Disabilities).


She received a special General’s Award for her Customer Service skills. Linda organized Chapter Team Building for military, civilian employees, & women in the community to volunteer for her Chapter’s Annual Women’s Only Home Builds with Habitat for Humanity. They helped to build & restore fifth-teen homes, for first-time home owners & families in the community.


Linda is a proud recipient of FEW’s Dr. Allie B. Latimer Award, a Special Presidential Award from, FEW President Michelle Crockett and recently a FEW Retiree Scholarship award winner.  Linda has been married to Greg for 45 years, they have 3 kids, 4 grandkids and live near the Aberdeen Proving Ground Army base in Maryland.

Helen Robinson, Advisor


Helen Robinson is a member of The Federally Employed Women since 2008 and currently serves as a Regional Representative for the Federally Employed Women’s D.C. Metro Region. Helen currently works at the Food and Drug Administration as a Program Analyst for the Work Life Programs office and currently serves as the Principal Deputy Chief Steward for the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU Chapter 282) for the agency.

Beatrice Squire, Advisor


Beatrice brings a wide range of experience to the Foundation. She has extensive skills and knowledge adjudicating claims, writing regulations, and serving as ombudsman for the federal agency for which she worked. She received a bachelor’s degree with honors from Virginia Union University and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University.


She joined FEW more than 35 years ago, is a life-long member, and has held positions at different levels, including President of NOVA FEW, and Vice-Parliamentarian of National FEW. She is a Registered Parliamentarian of the National Association of Parliamentarians, First Vice President of the Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians, and President of a local parliamentarian unit.


Beatrice has excellent communication skills as attested by numerous awards and commendations. She is a Distinguished Toastmaster of Toastmasters International, has held office at many levels, and received top honors in speaking competitions. She is a Fellow of Intranational Training in Communication (ITC), has held positions at all levels, received first place honors twice at the international level in ITC’s non-fiction writing contest, and represented the Blue Ridge Region on four occasions in international speech competitions, including one in Brisbane Australia. She is active in her sorority and church, enjoys reading, attending the theatre, visiting galleries and exhibits; and traveling. Travel highlights include a goodwill trip to China with a group of students, and a trip to Timbuktu many years go in which she befriended and kept in contact with a young youth who subsequently came to the USA to study and live, and eventually served as his country’s ambassador to Japan.


Beatrice enjoys presenting workshops on a variety of topics, and working with children.

Pat Wolfe, Advisor


Patricia (Pat) retired from the Headquarters, Department of Homeland Security on December 31, 2010 with 43 years’ service, beginning as a GS-03 and retiring as a GS-15, Contract Specialist. She was assigned as the acquisition workforce manager for Office of Procurement Operations’ intern program. Prior to her assignment at Homeland Security, she worked as a Contracting Officer for the U. S. Department of Treasury in Washington, DC and for the Army Medical Department in Tacoma, Washington.


One of her goals after retirement was to be more active in her community, and she has achieved that goal through active roles with United Women in Faith, front desk volunteer at church and as an active participant with NARFE (National Association for Active & Retired Employees). She is currently serving as Dulles Chapter Secretary, Program and Lunch Coordinator and Newsletter editor.  She also serves as Chair of the Northern Virginia Caucus of NARFE Chapters and as 2nd Vice President of NARFE’s Virginia Federation.


Pat served as Federally Employed Women’s (FEW’s) National President from 2002-2006 where her duties including serving as the Chief Executive Officer, chairman of the board of directors, leader and spokesperson for the organization. She also had the opportunity to represent FEW and to testify before Congress on two important issues impacting all Federal employees: Diversity in the Senior Executive Service and the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions of Social Security impacting the individuals in the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS).


She served as Co-Chair of FEW’s 2010 National Training Program in New Orleans, 2008 National Training Program in Anaheim, California, and 1995 National Training Program in Tacoma, Washington. Pat served as President of FEW’s Foundation for Education and Training from 2006-2008 and 2016-2020 and is currently serving on its Council of Advisors. The Foundation was established as the 501(c) 3 charitable arm of FEW with the goal of helping women advance in their Federal careers by offering financial assistance, training opportunities, and information.


She is a lifetime member of FEW and has served in many chapter, regional, and national positions. Pat received FEW’s highest award – the Barbara Boardman Tenant Award for outstanding service with FEW in 1996 and again in 2006. She also received a Meritorious Service Award from the National Coalition for Equity in Public Service (consisting of FEW, Blacks in Government (BIG), Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), National IMAGE, Inc. for Hispanic Government Employees, and the Society of American Indian Government Employees (SAIGE) for promoting diversity and equity in the federal workplace in 2006. Prior to her retirement, Pat was awarded the Department of Homeland Security’s Volunteer of the Year award.


Pat holds a Bachelor’s Degree from City University, Bellevue, Washington.